“To keep the picture as clear as possible, we have to keep on remembering that at various periods in ancient times, the ‘Land of the Blacks’ meant all Ethiopia, all Ethiopia meant all Africa, and all Blacks were Africans or Ethiopians or Thebans, etc.” – Dr. Chancellor Williams, author of The Destruction of Black Civilization: Great Issues of a Race From 4500 B.C. to 2000 A.D.
"The spiritual name of Africa is called Alkebu-lan, which means the 'land of the Spirit People." - Dr. Edward W. Robinson, Dr. Calvin R. Robinson and Redman Battle, authors of The Journey of the Songhai People
Africa is at once the most romantic and the most tragic of continents, and it was known by many names like “Ethiopia” by the Greeks, “Kush” and “Punt” by the ancient Egyptians, and the “Land of the Blacks” by the Arabs. To modern Europe, Africa was known as the “Dark continent” and “Land of Contrasts.” Africa, all of Africa is the native homeland of Black people. The world has always been familiar with Black men, who represent one of the most ancient of human stocks.
“It is well known, of course, that ‘Ethiopian’ is the Greek rendering of Black or the ‘sun-burnt people.” - Dr. Chancellor Williams, author of The Destruction of Black Civilization: Great Issues of a Race From 4500 B.C. to 2000 A.D.
The second largest continent in the world is Africa and the continent is a big world into itself covering 12 million square miles. From its northernmost point in what is now present-day Tunisia to Cape Aqulhas is approximately 5,000 miles, and its widest extent from east to west is 4,600 miles.
Africa is three times the area of Europe and it has a coastline a fifth shorter. Also, like Europe, it is a peninsula of Asia, curving southwestward around the Indian Ocean. It has a few gulfs, bays, capes, or islands. The rivers of Africa are large and long and have no means of communication with the outside world, because from the central high plateau they plunge in rapids and cataracts to the narrow coastlands and the sea. Four great rivers and many lesser streams water the continent. The greatest river of Africa is the Great Congo River in the center, with its vast curving and endless estuaries; then the Nile River, draining the cluster of the Great Lakes and flowing northward. The Niger River is in the northwest, watering the Sudan below the Sahara, and the Zambesi River is in the southeast. Even with these great rivers, there are deserts in both the north and south, but the greater ones are the 3 million square miles of sand wastes in the north. More than any other land in the world, Africa lies in the tropics, with a warm, dry climate, and in the central Congo region, it rains in all seasons which brings tropical luxuriance.
Africa has abundant resources throughout the whole continent, but gold is mined in Ghana, Congo, Southern Zimbabwe, Rand area South Africa, and Mali. Copper is found in the former Katanga province of Congo and Northern Zimbabwe. Iron Ore is found in Liberia and Guinea. Diamonds, and other important minerals and resources that come from the sacred soil of Africa includes Mica, Quartz, Bauxite, Zinc, Uranium, Columbite, and Cobalt.
A common narrative to support the Western (European) thesis, which is Africans or Black people never developed any worthwhile civilization. Samuel Baker promoted the idea of African innate inferiority by using the most forbidding area in Africa as an example. This area was the terrible swamplands of the Sudd, an area south of Khartoum (capital of Sudan) that in its full extent is the same size as England. The thing is, no one would ever claim the Sudd Swamplands as a society or civilization, probably the largest in the world. It was neither all land or water, but an endless mass of rotting vegetation, interwoven tree-like vines, steaming heat, swarming man-killing mosquitoes, crocodiles, hippos, and other unknown forms of tropical life. The conclusion of Baker and other European explorers like himself was that they were in a land where time stood still since the beginning of time, where life never advanced and the human species had simply rotated in aimless cycles like the animal life in the Sudd.
As late as the 1840’s and 1850’s, according to Dr. Chancellor Williams, even the most ignorant European explorers should have known in the same vast continent of wastelands, tropical rain forest and swamplands, there were also areas of arable land and civilized states. These European explorers wrote about what they saw the most, which was vast stretches of wasteland and secluded groups of “strange people.”

“Osei Bonsu was king of one of the wealthiest kingdoms in Africa because it sat atop enormously rich deposits of gold. So many speckles of gold washed down rivers to the coast that European traders much earlier named the area (now Ghana) the Gold Coast.” – Robert Edgerton, author of Africa’s Armies: From Honor to Infamy
The “Garden of Eden” areas of Africa, while not comparable to the rich flood plains of the Nile Valley and Delta, have unfertilized soil that produced a rapid growth of abundant vegetation and a heavy concentration of animal life. These are the areas where fruits and nuts of many varieties grew in abundance without the aid of man. For instance, the Sahara itself was once woodland where animal life flourished and streams flowed during the ancient world. During the ancient world, before the Sahara became a wasteland, it was once a land of lakes, rivers, forests, green fields, farms, villages, towns, and cities. Wildlife was abundant. Cattle grazed in meadows, and horse-drawn chariots sped over highways. The Sahara was a great land that is bigger than the United States of America, yet it was only a part of an even greater Black world.
“For example, just how did the Albion Sea, a vast inland body of water as large as France, disappear in the Sahara? How many cities and towns lie buried under those mountains of sand and rocks?” – Dr. Chancellor Williams
Black people were among the earliest builders of a great civilization on planet earth, which also included the development of writing, sciences, engineering, medicine, architecture, religion, and the fine arts. Africa is the cradle of religious civilization based on the conception of one Supreme God, Creator of the Universe. This belief in one Supreme Being ante-dated that of the Jews by several thousand years. Africa was naturally among the first areas which Christianity was spread, because it was next door to Palestine, and from the earliest times there were close relations between the Jewish and African people, that were both friendly and hostile. In fact, the great lawgiver, Moses, was not only born in Africa but he was also married to the daughter of an African priest. The pathway for the early Christian church in the “Land of the Blacks” had been made smooth many centuries before. In a different work, Dr. Chancellor Williams suggested that a major reason why so many later (Western European) Christian missionaries failed in Africa was because they were bringing refurbished religious doctrines that came from Africa in the first place. For example, all the 10 Commandments were embedded in the African Constitution ages before Moses went to Mt. Sinai in Africa in 1491 BC, which is a rather late date in African history.
* David Hinderer was the first (Western European) Christian missionary to visit the Ife Kingdom (present-day Ile-Ife, Southwest Nigeria, West Africa) in the 1850s. After Hinderer finished preaching the (Western) Christian gospel to a large crowd at the Ife palace, the Yoruba (Ife) people told him all religion originated from Ife, and that what he preached was no more than one of the versions that had evolved later in a distant part of the world.
“In 1886, British agents visiting the Yoruba interior were told by the Alaafin (i.e., King) of Oyo that ‘the Ifes…were the fathers of all and all people came from Ife.’; by the chiefs of Ife, at Isoya where they and their people were camped, outside the ruins of their city, that the Ife people were ‘the fathers of all tribes’, and that if they continued longer in a camp and unable to resettle their ancient city of Ile-Ife, ‘the whole world would spoil, as they were the priests of the deities (i.e., Orishas) who ruled the world’; and by the Seriki of the Ijebu, Chief Ogunsigun, that ‘Even the English king can be shown the spot at Ile-Ife from where his ancestors went out.” – Dr. Stephen Adebanji Akintoye, author of A History of the Yoruba People

“The Great Sphinx, the portrait statue of the Black Pharaoh Khafre (African identity generally disguised by historians with the name ‘Cephren’). He was the first ruler to break from the classical tradition of portraying all important Blacks with pronounced ‘Caucasoid’ features. Acting as though he foresaw the future of what trend of history would be, Khafre had his racial identity carved in this solid rock for the ages. Note, however, the long and arduous labor that was required for them to chip away that massive flat nose!” – Dr. Chancellor Williams
The most indestructible monuments of the Blacks were in ancient Egypt, but the very “Heartland of the Race” and the cradle of civilization was further below the First Cataract, centered around the capital of Napata and Meroe. It was from here that black civilization spread northward, reaching its most spectacular achievements in what became known as “Egyptian Civilization.”

Image I (Left): Queen Tiye, wife of Pharoah Amenhotep III, mother of Pharoah Akhenaten, and grandmother of Pharaoh Tutankhamun (King Tut)
Image II (Right): The boy king, Pharoah Tutankhamun (King Tut)
The 18th Dynasty of ancient Egypt was a time of remarkable accomplishments for the Blacks because a line of kings and queens during this period became immortal:
Ahmose I
Amenhotep II
Thutmose I
Thutmose II
Queen Hatshepsut “The Great”
Amenhotep III
Akhenaten the “Great Reformer”
It should be noted that there is no evidence that racial classifications for the purpose of supporting racist views existed in ancient Egypt. However, this concept of ethnicity, which is often confused with the modern concept of race, was acknowledged during ancient times. The ancient Egyptians recognized that some of the physical features and characteristics of the Asiatics, Europeans, and other groups were different from themselves and the Nubians. They recognized themselves as looking like Nubians but possessing differences in culture. The ancient Egyptian’s depictions of themselves and their neighbors show beyond reasonable doubt, that they were dark skinned people like all other African people before the influx of Asiatics and Europeans into their country.
On the authority of Dr. Muata Ashby, author of The Black Ancient Egyptians, the move to deny the appearance of the ancient Egyptians and promote the idea that they were not African people at all has been put forth by many Western (European) writers, even in the face of the writings of the ancient Egyptians themselves who attest:
The ancient Egyptians are ancestors of the Nubians, to the south, in Africa.
Their own depictions of themselves as dark or “black” skinned people.
The descriptions of them as “black” people, by the Greek classical writers.
The genealogies provided by the ancient Egyptians themselves stating that their parents are Nubian (such as Amunmhat I, who was the “son of a woman of Ta-Seti,” a child of Upper Egypt. The term “Ta-Seti” means “Land of the Bow.” This is one of the names used by the ancient Egyptians to describe Nubia).
For the ancient Egyptians, the attraction of Ethiopia was great, not only because they regarded the land as the main source of their religion, “The Land of the Gods,” but also because of its socio-political, economic, and strategic importance. When Black kings reconquered ancient Egypt and became “Egyptian” pharaohs, they still longed for the motherland to the south, because they desired to unite the whole of it with Egypt into one vast empire. Black kings would often retire there, some wanting their final resting place to be in a pyramid below the First Cataract. To the south rested their ancestors whose company they were to join. Here was the capital city of both the Black man’s world and that of his heaven, which was the Holy City of Napata.
Children of the Sun: The Benefits of Highly Melanated People
“They (Black people) were ‘Children of the Sun’ blessed with blackness by the Sun God himself and thus protected from his fiery rays. They were his children. Their very blackness, therefore, was religious, a blessing and an honor.” – Dr. Chancellor Williams
Scientists have discovered more and more advantages of melanin, and the more melanin a person has, the greater the following advantages:
Protection against aging
Protection against harmful radiations
Protection against air-borne abrasives
Protection against long immersion in water
Protection against harmful effects of cold
Quicker muscular responses
Better sight
Increased information from the environment or “Vibes”
Light carries information, and when Black people are in the sun, they are downloading information from the sun. Melanated beings, especially empaths, can get more information from the universe this way. It gives new ideas, heighted perspective, and more enlightened wisdom from the universe.

"Drippin Melanin and honey." - Lioness of Judah
African hair naturally stands up and is electrified. Black people’s hair reaches for the heavens in the sky and doesn’t usually lie flat. When it does lie flat, Black people are suppressing their flow of power and their ability to absorb and attract all the electricity from all the different energies and spectrums of universal light.
Image I (Top Left): Courtesy of Aun’Jenelle Mykel, via Instagram
Image II (Top Right): Courtesy of Deandrea Simpson, via Instagram
Image III (Bottom Left): Courtesy of Lioness of Judah, via Instagram
Image IV (Bottom Right): Courtesy of Tayler Rayne, via Instagram
African women possess the mitochondrial gene, and this means she can produce children of all colors, from bluish black, chocolate, asphalt, café au lait, permission, cream, light, brown (golden caramel), red, and even albino which is lighter than the complexion of the average European. In short, Black people are made of diverse colors.
“An important fact that should be well known is that all un-mixed Africans are not jet black. For while the great majority are black skinned, countless thousands who lived for centuries in cool areas have lighter complexion―and no ‘Caucasian blood’ at all.” – Dr. Chancellor Williams

Image I (Left): Courtesy of Mens-Hairstyle, via Pinterest
Image II (Right): Courtesy of Kenny Knowles, via Pinterest
“It was not until our degradation in America that our color was a badge of degradation. Down through the ages our color was a badge of triumph. Over twenty-five hundred years ago, Herodotus, the Father of Western History remarked in his chronicles regarding his visit to cities in Africa that those people had skin the glorious colors of the setting sun and that ‘truly the very gods must have made their homes among the Africans.” – Dr. Edward W. Robinson, Dr. Calvin R. Robinson and Redman Battle, authors of The Journey of the Songhai People
“When you realize that you are more powerful than what you are told, you gain more confidence in your gifts.” – Jade Asikiwe, author of The Advanced Melanin Empath: In Depth Knowledge of Self to Protect and Guide Empathic Energy
According to Dr. Chancellor Williams, a single constitutional system prevailed throughout all of Africa, just as the whole African or Black race, regardless of countless patterns, lived under a single government. A similar continent-wide study of African social and economic systems throughout the millenniums reveals the same overall pattern of unity and sameness of fundamental institutions. During the ancient and medieval world, there was a historical and fundamental basis for real brotherhood and unity of the black race that could not have escaped the notice of Europeans who have been investigating and writing about Africa over the years.
The history of Africa is complex and many-sided, and this unmistakable common origin was continent-wide among the Blacks. The basic structural outline of African states remained the same throughout Africa. Lineage was the most powerful and effective force for unity and stability in Africa and it was true that an African state could be self-governed without the need for any one individual ruler: king, queen or chief. In these ancient and medieval civilizations of Africa, everyone was a lawyer because just about everyone knew the customary laws.
The Africans were largely a peaceful people engaged in agriculture, mining trade, fishing, the arts, crafts of various kinds and manufacturing pottery, furniture, building materials, boats, weapons of war, etc. African states and their generally highly developed social and political systems indicate their advance civilization. Some of the builders of Africa’s great kingdoms and empires didn’t seem to know the meaning of failure or had any ideas about surrendering to fate. The strength and greatness of Black people can be measured by how, in the face of what seemed to be all the forces of hell, had vigorously fought, and survived, and rebuilt kingdoms and empires of which some lasted for 1,000 years. The leaders (i.e., kings, queens, and chiefs) of Africa led their people and began to build again.
There were different outcomes for different societies, and some perished even to the last member from disease, starvation, or warfare. The fiercest wars between the Blacks occurred in the founding and expansion of new kingdoms and empires. Core groups were voluntary confederations, expansion of empire required the conquest of neighboring states, usually small, independent chiefdoms who preferred to maintain their absolute sovereignty.
Blacks of the ancient and medieval world were a secretive people, and they were fully aware of the great resource and mineral wealth of their motherland. Black people used their wealth in a limited way, mainly for personal adornment, and had no desire to open to foreigners for world commerce that would have benefited them greatly.
The Destruction of Black Civilization: To the Caves, Hills and the Swamps…
“. . . The first, and perhaps the most important fact is that the general enslavement of Africans, proclaimed to the world as savages, began during the very period and in the very West Africa in the center of which one of the great universities of the world and other colleges were located.” – “The Black Revival of Learning,” p. 247
The masses of Black people found security in hills that were inaccessible to both the invading Arabs and Europeans. Millions of Black people found security in places of extreme isolation, like in caves, swamps, around a few waterholes in deserts and on inaccessible hills. Unfortunately, none of these ancestors of the Blacks were favored with the chance even to begin the building of their lost civilization. Far from being ashamed by being labeled as so-called “savages,” Dr. Chancellor Williams salutes these ancestors of the Blacks with pride, because he said, “all honor and all glory!” to them. Unlike the Blacks from the great and wealthy empires of ancient Ghana, Mali, Songhai, etc. of West Africa, these migrating Blacks could not rebuild great kingdoms and empires.

About 93% of the present-day African Americans came from the Western Sudan region of Africa, which includes the golden empires of ancient Ghana, Mali, Songhay (Songhai), etc. This was West Africa’s “Golden Age” during medieval times, right before the Transatlantic slave trade reached the shores of West Africa.

The kingdom of Timbuktu during the 16th century (West Africa)
“If Songhay (Songhai) writers can be believed, Timbuktu was Paris, Chicago and New York blended into an African setting.” – Lerone Bennett, author of Before the Mayflower: A History of the Negro in America 1619-1962
Many Blacks were forced to be far removed from the fringes of an advancing world, and many overrode the increasing attacks of both death and hell, and somehow survived. They also held fast the last line of freedom on the African continent, and they held it against cannon fire to the very end. Even when foreign conquest and colonization swept throughout the whole African continent, these Blacks were never conquered, and they were wise enough to see both religions of Islam and (Western European) Christianity was just another route to the slavery they had fought and died to avoid. For instance, all their children were born free, none in Muslim or (Western) Christian slavery; and their girls were never slaves in the harems of the Arabs, or as breeding girls for white men of Western civilization.
“The invaders raiding into the continent (Africa) from Asia and Europe formed the second centuries-long battlefronts against which the Blacks had to fight for survival. These wars spanned several thousand years, and in an earlier chapter (The Destruction of Black Civilization) I ‘wondered out loud’ ─how any people, weakened by perpetual hunger and disease, could possibly carry on wars of resistance to the white invaders for over 5,000 years. This they did─and this their descendants must know and remember with pride: That Black resistance to white domination covered over 5,000 years.” – Dr. Chancellor Williams
According to Dr. Anthony Browder, author of Nile Valley Contributions to Civilization: Exploding the Myths Vol. 1., although the total number of African people stolen from Africa varies from source to source, but it is estimated that a minimum 50 million Black people were displaced, and more than 80 million people died during the Transatlantic slave trade era. Except for the Native Indian Americans and Native Australians, no other people on Earth have had their continents stolen from them by foreigners. Black people were the only people to have their continent stolen from them, along with being enslaved and exported to other continents by the millions. These actions depleted the human and natural resources of Africa, while simultaneously developing them in the European and American continents. Even though this injustice happened hundreds of years ago, unfortunately, Black people are still experiencing the repercussions of that event. Black people (i.e., African Americans) are often told, “You belong to a race of nobodies. You have no worthwhile history to point to with pride.”
Some Political Theories and Principles of Ancient African Constitutional Law
“An African leader’s oath to ‘keep the people’ meant protecting and promoting the welfare of the people.” – Dr. Chancellor Williams
I. The People are the first and final source of all power.
III. Kings, Chiefs and Elders are leaders, not rulers. They are the elected representatives of the people and the instruments for executing their will.
IV. Government and people are one in the same.
VIII. The land belongs to no one. It is God’s gift to mankind for use and as a sacred heritage, transmitted by our forefathers as a bond between the living and the dead, to be held in trust by each generation for the unborn who will follow, and thus to the last generation.
IX. Each family member, therefore, has a right to land, free of charge, sufficient in acreage for its economic well-being, for the right to the opportunity and means to make a living is the right to live:
The land, accordingly, cannot be sold or given away.
The land may be held for life and passed on to the family’s heirs, and so on forever.
The Chief is the Custodian of all land, the principal duty being to assure fair distribution and actual use.
X. All moneys, gifts, taxes and other forms of donations to Chief or King all belong to the people for relief or aid to individuals in times of need.
* According to Portuguese contemporary Antonio Bocarro, about the Monomotapa Empire (South Africa), he said:
“[The Emperor; Mutapa] shows great charity to the blind and maimed, for these are called the king’s poor, and have land and revenues for their subsistence, and when they wish to pass through the kingdoms, wherever they come food and drinks are given to them at the public cost as long as they remain there, and when they leave that place to go to another they are provided with what is necessary for their journey, and a guide, and someone to carry their wallet to the next village. In every place where they come there is the same obligation, under penalty that those who fail therein shall be punished by the king.”
XII. Fines for offenses against an individual went to the victim, not the court:
Part of the money received from the loser was returned to him as an expression of goodwill and desire for renewal of friendship.
Another part was given as a fee to the trial court as an appreciation of justice.
XIII. “Royalty” in African terms means Royal Worth, the highest in character, wisdom, sense of justice and courage:
He who founded the nation by uniting many as one must be the real leader, guide, and servant of his people.
The people, in honor of the founder of the nation, thereafter, will elect Chiefs from the founder’s family (lineage) if the heirs meet the original test that reflected the Founder’s character, whose spirit was supposed to be inherited.
Some Fundamental Rights of the African People
17. The right to the protection of moral law in respect to wife and children―a right which not even the king can violate.
18. The right of a man, even a slave, to rise to occupy the highest positions in the state if he has the requisite ability and character.
19. The right to protection and treatment as a guest in enemy territory once one is within the gates of the enemy’s village, town or city.
20. And the right to an equal share in all benefits from common community undertakings if one has contributed to the fullest extent of his ability, no matter who or how many were able to contribute more.
“Since magic in Africa was simply another religious means of invoking the aid of a deity, to call their chief intercessor with God a magician meant that he was actually securing benefits for the people, and that he was indeed the ‘Lieutenant of God on Earth.’ In short, ‘magic’ was another form of prayer, song or dance in the appeals to supernatural powers for help.” – Dr. Chancellor Williams

King Oduduwa of the Yoruba (Ife) Kingdom (present-day Ile-Ife, Southwest Nigeria)
King Oduduwa of the Yoruba (Ife) people of West Africa lived a great earthly life because popular Yoruba traditions and legends elevated him to the awesome pedestal as “the father of the Yoruba race.” His successors defied him, and subsequent generations transposed him all the way back to the beginning of creation and crowned him as the first human to walk the earth, the progenitor of the Yoruba people.
The term “defied ancestors” refers to spirits who greatly impacted humanity when they were alive (i.e., King Oduduwa). These ancestors of Black people played significant roles in their society, because they were brave soldiers, fair kings, heroes, and heroines.
“If, therefore, it is claimed that your race is doomed to economic inferiority, you may confidently look to the home of your ancestors and say that you have set out to recover for the colored people the strength that was their own before they set foot on the shores of this continent (the Americas). You may say that you go to work with bright hopes, and that you will not be discouraged by the slowness of your progress; for you have to recover not only what has been lost in transplanting the Negro race from its native soil to this continent, but you must reach higher levels than your ancestors ever had attained.” – The Father of Modern Anthropology, German-American Franz Boas
Some Exceptional African Civilizations of Ancient and Medieval Africa: Dr. Chancellor Williams Speaks…
The Ethiopian Empire (North and East Africa):
“THE GREAT DECPETION EGYPT, AS POINTED OUT BEFORE, WAS THE NORTHEASTERN region of ancient Ethiopia. The six cataracts of the Nile were the great waterworks in the heartland of the Blacks from whence African culture spread over the continent, but nowhere was it as pronounced as in Egypt. This northern sector of the Ethiopian empire had been the object of world attention from the earliest times. The fact was that it was in the center of the crossroads from all directions leading into Africa from Asia and Europe.”
The Songhai Empire (West Africa):
“Songhay’s (Songhai’s) greatness was due to something more than the remarkable expansion of its empire over a territory larger than the continent of Europe. That was great, but greater by far was the grand scale on which the revival of learning spread among the Blacks of West Africa―The Western Sudan, or ‘Land of the Blacks.’ Three of the principal centers of learning were at Jenne, Gao, and Timbuktu.”
The Kongo Empire (Southwest and Central Africa): The Portuguese were the first European people to arrive in West and Central Africa, and they arrived at the mouth of the Great Congo (Kongo) River in West Africa in 1488. Europeans also referred to the Kongo Empire as the greatest state in West Africa at the time of their arrival.
“The Kingdom of the Kongo was their (the Portuguese) first great surprise, because its political structure and expertly organized administrative machinery equaled that of Portugal or any other European state known to them.”
The Monomotapa Empire (South Africa):
“In the valley and as far as the eyes could see there was so much of the same breathtaking natural beauty that had been seen everywhere in the country that one might wonder whether the Garden of Eden surpassed it. I (Dr. Chancellor Williams) was standing in the heart of Monomotapa (now white-ruled Rhodesia; present-day Zimbabwe), the last of the black empires in Africa.”
The Great Benin Empire

The Great Benin Empire (present-day Southern Nigeria, West Africa)
In 1691, the Portuguese ship Captain Lourenco Pinto observed:
“Great Benin, where the king resides, is larger than Lisbon; all the streets run straight and as far as the eye can see. The houses are large, especially that of the king, which is richly decorated and has fine columns. The city is wealthy and industrious. It is so well governed that theft is unknown and the people live in such security that they have no doors to their houses.”

The famous Great Benin Bronze of the Edo people
The Liberation of Black Minds

Queen Tiye of ancient Egypt
“Lastly, in the time of the Ancient Egyptians, before the coming of the Greeks, there were no Europeans in Africa at all. The only populations recognized by the Egyptians were themselves, the other Africans, the Libyans and the Asiatics, all of whom vary in skin tone from dark ‘black’ to light ‘brown’ coloration. So if there are any ‘white’ people in present day Africa they are descendants of the documented influx of Greeks who came in as invading forces with Alexander the Great (330 B.C.E.) and or the documented influx of Arabs which came with the advent of the expansion of Islam (650 B.C.E.) and after. In any case, when discussing the Ancient Egyptians of the Old and Middle Kingdoms and the Pre-Dynastic Period, we are not discussing ‘mulattos’ since the admixture with other ethnic groups had not occurred until the New Kingdom period, and even more so in the Late period, through contact with the conquering Asiatic and European forces. Therefore, to look at the images of the Egyptians during the mixture period and to say that these are representatives of the Ancient Egyptian ethnic origins is the worst kind of scholarship.” – Dr. Muata Ashby
Ancient Egypt, under the rule of the Blacks was so rich in food production that the country became famous not only as the “Bread Basket of the World” but also for its highly advanced civilization. This eventually stirred envy of Asia and Europe, from which continents migrants began to settle.

Map of early North and West Africa and invasions from Asia and Europe.
The physical geography of Africa was favorable for “peaceful” settlers from the continents of Asia and Europe who would later eventually become rulers and conquerors. For example, Asian and European occupation of the seacoasts of North and East Africa was relatively easy, and probably welcomed at first by Black people as co-partners in world trade. For centuries, white people must have been received with the traditional African hospitality. These whites were immigrants, settlers, and traders. Many of these whites, like the Blacks themselves were seafaring men. For instance, the maritime trade network of the Somali sailors extended far beyond the Indian Ocean, because these African sailors ventured as far as China, Southeast Asia, and the Mediterranean. Somali merchants were skilled seafarers, adept at navigating the treacherous waters and utilizing monsoon winds to their advantage during the ancient world.
It seems clear during ancient times, Europeans were not regarded as invaders with ulterior motives, but as co-partners in the further development of world trade.
“BEFORE THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY MOST AFRICANS ON the continent had never seen a real white face.” – Dr. Chancellor Williams
During ancient times, ancient Greek and Roman historians did not even seem to know what “racism” was, and racism certainly was not as developed in the ancient world as it is during modern Western (European) civilization.
When the early Europeans first met Africans, at the crossroads of history, it was a respectful meeting, and the Africans were not slaves. The nations of Africa were old before Europe was born. During this period of history, Africa was unknown to the people who would someday be called “Europeans.” Only the people of the Mediterranean islands and a few states of what would become the Greek and Roman states knew of part of North Africa, and even that land was a mystery to them.
“The Greek traveler, Herodotus, was in Africa in about 450 B.C. His eyewitness account is still a revelation. He witnessed African civilization in decline and partly in ruins, after many invasions. However, he could still see the indications of the greatness that it had been. In this period in history, the Nile Valley civilization of Africa had already brought forth two ‘Golden Ages’ of achievement and had left its mark for all the world to see.” – Dr. John Henrik Clarke
On the authority of Dr. Chancellor Williams, during ancient times and even later, there were whites who regarded Blacks as superior people and the question about inherent inequality was thought of as absurd to entertain. The Greeks, who seem to have studied the advanced civilization of the Blacks more than any other white people, were among this group to recognize Black people in high esteem. There were whites who were affectionately drawn to Black people as by some “magic.” When Blacks recognized these whites were genuine, the esteem became mutual and naturally, these whites became integral parts of some Black groups. Although these whites were a small minority, they fought shoulder to shoulder with the Blacks against their own European people. These whites also retreated with the Blacks in defeat and were a part of the Blacks migrations.
It’s important to note these were not the Caucasians―Asians or Western (Europeans), who infiltrated African civilizations for domination and future conquests via the Trans-Saharan (Arab) slave trade and the Transatlantic (European) slave trade.
Dr. Chancellor Williams Speaks… Part II
“That mental blockage of total liberation developed from the way religion has been used to capture, enslave and exploit Black people of the world for over a thousand years. For the African people are, and always have been, a very religious people, believing that the religion of the foreigners, and their belief in one supreme God, though called by different names, were essentially the same as our own. And this was right. What the Blacks did not know, however, was that while both Christianity and Islam were in themselves great and acceptable faiths, they were being used by men whose main purposes were conquest and enslavement in pursuit of economic and political power. The whole continent of Africa was taken over, its wealth exploited, and its people dehumanized through enslavement―all in the name of Jesus Christ, Allah, and Civilization.” – Dr. Chancellor Williams

“Take care of yourselves Black people.” – Philosopher Poet Darryl C. Richie
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